“There is a new cert calleth the LEETH
That LexDAO wanteth to bequeath
So an NFT it shall mint
And this post we doth print
For details, see beneath.”
If you enjoyed this bad limerick from the team at LexDAO, you can blame @LarryFlorio, one of several contributors to this blog post.
I, of course, thank Larry for his service. Flailing for days to begin this blog post I reached out to the crew for some title and creative inspiration and this one far surpassed anything I developed on my own.
As you’ve come to understand, LexDAO is a decentralized legal engineering guild. Within that framework, we try to combine the legal and coding worlds and create a bridge between the two. Somewhere between practicing lawyer and developer, lies the legal engineer. For more in-depth analysis of what constitutes a legal engineer, see this article from Esen Esener. To go even deeper, take a look at LexDAO smart contracts and legal forms in what we call “LexCorpus.”
In an effort to “codify” legal engineering, we’ve created a “certification” for lack of a better term (we realize that in certain jurisdictions, a certification may need to be approved by your legal regulator).
As a non-profit association of legal engineering professionals, we’ve created our own “certification” for those who have demonstrated the following:
Contributions in the field of computational law
aptitude in web3 applications and design
support of LexDAO initiatives
Take myself for example, I’ve been an active member of LexDAO for +/- a year. With a law school education and a career in legal technology, LexDAO was the next foray into law and technology via computational law. To further my legal engineering credentials, I have begun learning to code in Solidity and have a very rudimentary understanding of the practice. Additionally, I’ve been active in the LexDAO community, content creation, and a variety of other capacities (LexDAO delegate to daoHAUS and UberHAUS).
Within this variety of functions and growing familiarity with all things web3, I established my credentials as a legal engineer. At which time the honor of LEETH was bequeathed upon me in the form of an NFT. Making me the 11th recipient of this immense honor.
The certification is tied to your ETH address and goes with you wherever you have access to your digital wallet. As a conscientious member of the group, I redacted the addresses in the image above even though the information can be found elsewhere.
Interested in learning more about LexDAO legal engineering and computational law? Join our weekly hack calls, Friday 11:00 am ET (lexdao.chat). Discuss your interests with LexDAO engineers, learn more about adding smart contracts to your practice, and engage in getting certified on our NFT roster. For more proactive applicants, make a 'pull request' to our 'LEETH' codebase with a sample of your work and description of background, interests (https://github.com/lexDAO/Legal-Engineers).